Friday, September 19, 2008


Interesting… I think I’ll attack this one head on and go on about my love of firearms. With the arrival of autumn my favorite targets are growing all over, pumpkins. After all, living out here in the sticks guns play a prominent role. Right off I’ll tell you I’m a proud NRA member, a concealed firearms permit holder, and a defender of the second amendment of the constitution. All of the biased liberals out there will tell you (and anyone else that will listen), that a handgun serves no role in society other than killing people. Not true, behind that gun is a person, they may be someone defending their family, or they may be a nut case with nothing else in mind other than killing the innocent. I’ll be the one defending, I hope that day never comes but if it does, at the least I know that I will be prepared.


johngoldfine said...

Graf 8 asks for a reaction to some or one of the cause essays. So, what about that?

Tom said...

Yeah, Now that I look at it two days later... What the hell was I talking about. I must have just read an e-mail from the NRA or something. = "Graf#8" = rewrite.