Thursday, September 11, 2008


A few years ago at work I had an itch, not just any itch, one that I just couldn’t scratch. His name was Ben, a complete idiot who just wouldn’t listen to me. I was supposed to be training him. That meant my ass was on the line for his performance. I’m sorry but you can’t train stupid, and that is exactly what he was. Arrogant, completely oblivious to anything I had to say, which didn’t matter because he knew it all anyway. After his first few days of training he should have been all set to go. “Now Ben, if you have any problems, any what so ever, call me over and we’ll work through it together”, I said. Maybe a half hour later I hear his call bell ring, I’m trained (like a good dog) to come running over when I hear it and see what the problem is. When I arrive, all that is left are shattered remains off what used to be a thousand bucks worth of carbon drills, and this idiot saying “huh huh, I guess I hit the wrong button.” This is now my problem and I’m supposed to explain it. Plain and simple, he hit the wrong button. I went to my boss, told him what happened, and also said that if Ben wasn’t going to listen to me that I didn’t want him in my area. My boss went straight over, investigated the situation, and immediately decided the only place this guy was going in the company was the exit, which he was promptly escorted to. I had no intent to get him fired, I simply didn’t want to be responsible for him. Although I will admit, I’m glad he is not still there destroying things and making my life more difficult. I never did scratch that itch, instead someone else did it for me.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Hit the wrong button! That covers so many sins! I'l try that on my missus next time she catches me redhanded....
