Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Contrast Essay Intro #2

I work with two different kinds of people. Hard workers are the ones I prefer, and then there are the “eekers” or the lazy ones. Most of the hard workers are from this area and they know what hard work is. They also truly understand the value of a dollar and what it takes to make a few. The lazy ones just do enough to get by, like showing up for work or looking busy when the boss is around. They are defended by lazy bosses in positions of power, sticking together like a lazy man’s workers union. Either way, I’m the person who trains them and it only takes a matter of minutes to label their work ethic.

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

We definitely need a work venue, some images in our mind before you proceed. I don't know whether you train telephone support people in cubicles or underwater welders in scuba tanks or what.